
Since I started working retail a few things have changed in my relationship to music: not only have I become more annoying about it (only half joking -- I am, unfortunately), but also I've gotten more interested in it -- being forced to listen to top hits over and over again for almost a full workday multiple days a week will do that, apparently. So, with few strictly legal things to do in my free time (I work weekdays almost exclusively -- I frequently have a LOT of free time) being to chose the music in the store, I've done a lot more listening this year (2023), and more intentional listening. It's not as much as I'd like, whether that be in range, depth, or intention/ attention, but it's a start, and other people have cute listening logs and damn it I want one

some albums i've enjoyed [Last updated: 8-14-23]:

chart of my some enjoyed albums I just got through this year

and a list of all I've been listening to (with some exceptions where I can't find the album in the entry addition):

⊳ go home :)